Counteract internal and external hacking threats

This article emphasizes the importance of protecting data privacy in the digital age. We highlight the potential damage that hackers can cause, both internal and external to the organization. If hackers manage to steal sensitive data, it can cause financial losses, compromise individual privacy, and damage an organization’s reputation. Research by Jamal et al. (2024) focuses on building a layered defense system that includes technological solutions such as firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems. They emphasized the importance of establishing clear policies and procedures for data handling, access control, and incident response and improving data privacy strategies to stay protected from evolving hacking techniques. In addition, they also emphasized the importance of employee awareness of data security, collaborating with cybersecurity experts, and keeping up with regulatory developments to create a strong data privacy framework. Best practices by Jamal et al. (2024) for responding to incidents in the event of a data breach include:

  1. Rapid detection and response: identify and respond to breaches as soon as possible to minimize damage and prevent further unauthorized access.
  2. Containment: isolate affected systems and networks to prevent the spread of the breach and prevent further data loss.
  3. Assessment and analysis: conduct a thorough assessment of the breach to determine the extent of the damage, identify root causes, and identify affected data.
  4. Notification: notify relevant stakeholders, including affected individuals and regulatory bodies, promptly and transparently.
  5. Data recovery: recovering lost or compromised data and restoring systems and networks to pre-breach conditions.
  6. Post-incident activities: conduct post-incident reviews to identify lessons learned and implement changes to prevent similar violations in the future.
  7. Communication: maintain open communication with stakeholders throughout the response process to ensure transparency and trust.
  8. Documentation: document all aspects of the incident response process, including the breach itself, response actions taken, and lessons learned.
  9. Continuous improvement: continuously monitor and improve the incident response process to ensure it remains effective and efficient.
  10. Collaboration: collaborate with cybersecurity experts and regulatory bodies to stay up to date with best practices and regulatory requirements.

These best practices are critical for effective incident response during a data breach. It can ensure damage is minimized and the organization can recover quickly and safely.

Safeguarding data privacy: strategies to counteract internal and external hacking threats

Hassan Jamal, Nasir Ahmed Algeelani, Najeeb Abbas Al-Sammarraiei

In the digital age, the protection of data privacy has become increasingly important. Hackers, whether internal or external to an organization, could cause significant damage by stealing sensitive data, causing financial loss, compromising the privacy of individuals, or damaging the organization’s reputation. This scientific research aimed to make substantial contributions by emphasizing the importance of addressing both internal and external hacking threats to protect sensitive information. The main theme of their work revolved around building a multi-layered defense system that included technological solutions like firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems. The specific goals of their design and development approach were to establish clear policies and procedures for data handling, access control, and incident response, as well as to enhance data privacy strategies to stay ahead of evolving hacking techniques. The authors also highlighted the significance of employee awareness and training programs, collaboration with cybersecurity experts, and staying up-to-date with regulatory requirements to create a robust data privacy framework.

By: I. Busthomi

Citation: H. Jamal, N. A. Algeelani, and N. A. Al-Sammarraie, “Safeguarding data privacy: strategies to counteract internal and external hacking threats”, Computer Science and Information Technologies, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 40–48, Mar. 2024, doi: 10.11591/csit.v5i1.pp40-48.