

Cachay-Gutierrez and Cabanillas-Carbonell (2024) researched educational video games to enhance the learning process. They found that video games significantly affected motivation, acquisition, and learning application. The study involved 65 first-cycle students who were divided into two groups. The results showed: Motivation: an increase of 12.9%. Knowledge gained: an increase of 46.34%. Qualification gained: an increase...
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Early childhood education (ECE) involves more than just academic aptitude tests. It also includes problem-solving skills and the creation of culturally valuable products. This learning model requires creativity from both educators and learners. Alghamdi (2023) explored the cultural views of preschool teachers in Saudi Arabia regarding teaching children in early childhood education settings. The study...
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The increase in the publication of review papers compared to research papers can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, review papers are highly valuable because they synthesize existing knowledge on a particular topic, making it easier for researchers to stay updated without reading numerous individual studies. This is especially beneficial in fields with rapidly expanding...
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This article discusses the relationship between bone mineral density and type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Nugroho et al. (2024) identified factors associated with bone mineral density (BMD) and osteoporosis risk in patients with T2DM. A total of 49 patients with T2DM were involved in this study, and it was found that 61% of them had decreased...
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Jeong and Jung (2024) researched the prediction of roads that can pass in narrow alleys using ultrasonic sensors. They focused on developing a system to improve emergency response time in South Korea by utilizing ultrasonic sensors integrated into personal devices to measure the width of narrow alleys. The system aims to overcome the challenges posed...
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This article emphasizes the importance of protecting data privacy in the digital age. We highlight the potential damage that hackers can cause, both internal and external to the organization. If hackers manage to steal sensitive data, it can cause financial losses, compromise individual privacy, and damage an organization’s reputation. Research by Jamal et al. (2024)...
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The Aquila optimizer (AO) algorithm is a nature-inspired optimization algorithm that can be used to determine the optimal parameters of a proportional integral derivative (PID) controller to control the speed of a DC motor. The hunting behavior of Aquila, a bird of prey in the northern hemisphere inspires the AO algorithm. It has been shown...
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Assegie et al. (2022) explored a dataset of heart disease images using machine learning models to predict heart disease. They used recursive feature elimination with cross-validation (RFECV) to analyze the significance of heart disease features on the output generated by the model. The dataset for this experiment was obtained from the University of California Irvine...
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The maturity level of digital technology competence (DTC) in vocational education was analyzed by Astuti et al. (2022) to measure the difference between teachers and students in mastering DTC. They conducted research in public and private vocational schools in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, with a total of 233 respondents. Data were collected using a Likert scale questionnaire...
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Factors that influence childbirth services in Indonesia include geography, education, and economics. Non-resident women tend to use private health facilities rather than institutionalized health facilities that are more accessible. Putri and Laksono (2022) emphasized the importance of empowering women so that they can take advantage of safe childbirth at health facilities. The challenges faced by...
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