A growing number of individuals have been ensnared by the recent upsurge in Telegram scams, promising easy money by liking videos daily. While many of these victims were initially targeted via apps like WhatsApp and Telegram, the scammers are adapting and, alarmingly, these fraudulent schemes are now being executed through conventional phone calls.
Indeed, scammers have adopted advanced automated voice systems to manipulate callers, coercing them into participating in these video liking programs. These scammers already possess the victims’ mobile numbers, as WhatsApp calls require such information. However, this marks the first instance where these “Like video” scams are being propagated through regular phone calls.
Telecommunication companies in the country have discussed implementing AI solutions to combat spam calls, but the effectiveness of these measures remains limited. As a result, confronting scammers through network calls will present even more challenges for the operators.
Understanding the ‘Like Video’ Scam Through Phone Calls: How it Operates
This scheme initiates with the victim receiving a seemingly ordinary call on their phone, displaying a random name on the caller ID. Upon answering the call, the individual encounters a computerized voice, an immediate red flag. If the victim proceeds with the call and engages in conversation, they are enticed with promises of earning thousands of rupees simply by liking a video. The scam then unfolds through multiple stages, enabling participants to earn a few hundred bucks for their involvement.
Subsequently, the scammer requests banking details, such as the UPI ID, assuring the victim that the money will be deposited into their account. As the scheme progresses, a shift occurs, with the scammer instructing the victim to send some money, which will ostensibly be held until the final payment is made. This scam has victimized numerous individuals this year, and the scammers transitioning to voice calls adds an additional layer of complexity, making it harder for people to distinguish between legitimate callers and those seeking to defraud them.
Is There Cause for Concern?
The answer to this question is twofold. On one hand, yes, there is reason to be concerned, especially for individuals who may find it challenging to discern or recognize phone scams. However, in the event that you do happen to pick up a call from these scammers, it is imperative that you exercise caution and refrain from divulging any personal or banking information. Such disclosures can carry significant risks, potentially leading to financial losses from your account.