IAES Nawala: Smart contract

For electronic voting, a new blockchain with sidechains based on smart contracts has been proposed. To provide accurate, straightforward, safe, and honest electronic voting, the system makes use of three smart contracts: the voter, the candidate, and the ballot. Voting coins, which represent the voter’s status, are used in the proposed system to combat fraud. By carrying out tasks off-chain and transmitting the outcomes to the mainchain, sidechain technology enhances the blockchain. The issue will be lessened by keeping encrypted vote records on the sidechain and utilizing the decrypted results on the main blockchain. With this authorization paradigm, creating access control policies that restrict access to those who are authorized to access the votes for counting becomes easier. The suggested electronic voting system strengthens the system’s defenses against replay assaults and reduces processing issues as well as processing time.

The proposed method aims to create a secure, efficient, and easy-to-use electronic voting system by using blockchain and sidechain technology. The method involves the following detailed steps:

  1. Implementation of three smart contracts: The system uses three smart contracts – voter, candidate, and vote. These smart contracts are designed to work together to ensure the integrity and security of the voting process.
  2. Prevention of fraudulent actions: The problem of fraudulent actions is addressed by using voting coins, which indicate the status of the voter. This approach helps prevent malicious activity and ensures a fair voting process.
  3. Integration of sidechain technology: Sidechain technology complements the blockchain by performing operations outside the blockchain and sending the results to the mainchain. This integration reduces the cost of storing encrypted votes on the sidechain and using decrypted results on the mainchain.
  4. Authorization paradigm: This method uses the authorization paradigm to build access control policies that only grant access to users who have authorization to count votes. This approach simplifies managing access control policies and ensures that only authorized users can participate in the voting process.
  5. Enhanced security: The proposed e-voting system increases the system’s security against replay attacks and reduces processing costs and processing time. This makes the voting process more efficient and secure for all participants.

By following these steps, the method presented in this paper aims to create a new and secure electronic voting system that addresses the challenges of traditional voting methods and offers a more efficient and secure alternative for future elections.

A novel smart contract based blockchain with sidechain for electronic voting

Abhinandan Shirahatti, Vijay Rajpurohit, Sanjeev Sannakki

Nowadays irony appears to be pervasive in all social media discussion forums and chats, offering further obstacles to sentiment analysis efforts. The aim of the present research work is to detect irony and its types in English tweets We employed a new system for irony detection in English tweets, and we propose a distilled bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (DistilBERT) light transformer model based on the bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) architecture, this is further strengthened by the use and design of bidirectional long-short term memory (Bi-LSTM) network this configuration minimizes data preprocessing tasks proposed model tests on a SemEval-2018 task 3, 3,834 samples were provided. Experiment results show the proposed system has achieved a precision of 81% for not irony class and 66% for irony class, recall of 77% for not irony and 72% for irony, and F1 score of 79% for not irony and 69% for irony class since researchers have come up with a binary classification model, in this study we have extended our work for multiclass classification of irony. It is significant and will serve as a foundation for future research on different types of irony in tweets.

By: I. Busthomi