
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) is a leading metric used to assess the impact and influence of scientific journals. Developed by the SCImago research group, the SJR indicator is based on the Scopus database and offers a sophisticated alternative to other journal metrics such as Impact Factor and CiteScore. The following is an in-depth explanation of...
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Jeong and Jung (2024) researched the prediction of roads that can pass in narrow alleys using ultrasonic sensors. They focused on developing a system to improve emergency response time in South Korea by utilizing ultrasonic sensors integrated into personal devices to measure the width of narrow alleys. The system aims to overcome the challenges posed...
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In academia, evaluating the impact and quality of scholarly journals is very important for researchers, institutions, and publishers. Created by indexing companies or related platforms, these lists are often created using objective calculations to assign a score to each journal. These scores are primarily focused on a journal’s average citation metric. These calculated metrics are...
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This article emphasizes the importance of protecting data privacy in the digital age. We highlight the potential damage that hackers can cause, both internal and external to the organization. If hackers manage to steal sensitive data, it can cause financial losses, compromise individual privacy, and damage an organization’s reputation. Research by Jamal et al. (2024)...
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Dive into the world of cutting-edge research and innovation with our revamped journal homepage at csit.iaesprime.org! As a hub for scholars, researchers, and enthusiasts in computer science and information technology (CSIT), our platform offers a wealth of resources to fuel your intellectual curiosity and drive your academic pursuits forward. Here’s what awaits you: Easy navigation:...
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Authors should only submit original work that has not previously been published or is currently under review for another refereed publication. The Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) and Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU) do not allow manuscripts under review in a journal or conference proceeding to be under review for another publication simultaneously....
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The Aquila optimizer (AO) algorithm is a nature-inspired optimization algorithm that can be used to determine the optimal parameters of a proportional integral derivative (PID) controller to control the speed of a DC motor. The hunting behavior of Aquila, a bird of prey in the northern hemisphere inspires the AO algorithm. It has been shown...
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Assegie et al. (2022) explored a dataset of heart disease images using machine learning models to predict heart disease. They used recursive feature elimination with cross-validation (RFECV) to analyze the significance of heart disease features on the output generated by the model. The dataset for this experiment was obtained from the University of California Irvine...
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The maturity level of digital technology competence (DTC) in vocational education was analyzed by Astuti et al. (2022) to measure the difference between teachers and students in mastering DTC. They conducted research in public and private vocational schools in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, with a total of 233 respondents. Data were collected using a Likert scale questionnaire...
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The International Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (IJ-ICT) is a platform for the publication of research articles and other scholarly works in the field of information and communication technology. The journal aims to promote knowledge and technological innovation for human life. Here are the top 3 topics that are being discussed in the April...
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