Brainstorming is familiar and often heard in our ears, especially in small and large organizations. Then what exactly is meant by brainstorming? Let’s see together.
According to Minter and Reid (2007), brainstorming is another way companies generate ideas today. Brainstorming is gathering a group of people to develop new and fresh thoughts. Sutikno (2002) also argues that brainstorming is a form of discussion to gather ideas, opinions, information, knowledge, and experiences from all the participants involved. The difference with a ‘discussion’ is that one person’s thoughts can be responded to (supported, complemented, reduced, or not even agreed upon) by other participants.
From the two opinions above, we can conclude that brainstorming is a process of exchanging ideas between one member and another to get new ideas and ideas that are creative and innovative. Brainstorming can also be interpreted as a technique used to gather opinions between several members of the organization as a method for solving a problem or finding a solution to a problem that is currently happening. More often, there are also differences of opinion among each member of the organization. It is a natural thing in the application of brainstorming techniques. It’s good that we have wild ideas to share with others so that they become one of the benchmarks in reaching a mutual agreement later in the discussion stage. Not infrequently, ideas that we think are good and cool can be accepted by some people, maybe because they don’t make sense and are too high in the imagination.
Eiits, but don’t get me wrong, brainstorming is not the same as discussion. Most people misunderstand brainstorming. They think that brainstorming is the same as discussion. Even though they are different, brainstorming is just a place for everyone to express their ideas. While the discussion is the stage after the brainstorming, so the collected ideas will be analyzed and discussed to reach a forum agreement.
Brainstorming is necessary. Why? Because we will know the latest issues and we can develop the ideas into something new and interesting. With brainstorming, we will assess the idea not only from one side but from several people’s thoughts which can be a benchmark for the success of an organization. In the brainstorming stage, we need to determine the theme of the idea first, and no less important is to appoint one to be the leader. So that there are no disputes, mutual judgment, blaming, or even dominating. It is also necessary to have documentation when conducting brainstorming, so the brainstorming is not in vain, and the notable points conveyed by each participant are not forgotten.
Brainstorming is also implemented by E.M. Cepolina, F. Cepolina, and G. Ferla in artificial intelligence applications. They use Brainstorm in evaluating artificial intelligence applications. In more detail, they explain it in the following article:
E.M. Cepolina, F. Cepolina and G. Ferla
A countless number of artificial intelligence applications exist in a wide range of fields. The artificial intelligence (AI) technology is becoming mature, free powerful libraries enable programmers to generate new apps using a few lines of code. The study identifies the applications that are the most interesting for a developer as far as profit is concerned. Some AI applications related to trading, industry, sales, logistics, games, and personal services have been considered. To select the most promising AI applications, multi criteria methods have been adopted. This brainstorm may be useful to inspire new born start-ups, willing to create viral apps/products. The paper wishes to be informative and light, for further information, a rich selection of publications and books is provided.
According to them, with current technological developments, business competition is getting tougher, and artificial intelligence applications are starting to penetrate various fields. Many new applications were created to assist in business continuity. Several related applications of artificial intelligence such as in the fields of commerce, industry, sales, logistics, games, and personal services have been considered. Brainstorming is needed here with the aim of being able to inspire new start-ups to determine which applications are suitable for use in their company’s field. They draw conclusions from the articles they write as follows:
E.M. Cepolina, F. Cepolina and G. Ferla
The ability of encapsulating bits of human intelligence inside a self-standing “learning and thinking device” opens unlimited possibilities. Out of clichés and in the name of concreteness: data have value to the extent that they allow to improve the productivity of a company, when they allow it to become more efficient, to create and develop better products, to increase the satisfaction of own customers or even to enter new markets or develop new business models. AI allows you to increase these potentials and allows you to accelerate all the knowledge processes that lead to the achievement of these objectives and which are the basis of the self learning enterprise, a definition by which we mean those companies and organizations that decide to grow own knowledge potential and put it to value, available to the business. New software and hardware technology developments daily widen AI capabilities. A few examples of new AI applications have been described for the following fields: trading, industry, sales, logistics, games and personal services. The ideas proposed are only briefly described, with the aim of soliciting the imagination of the reader. Ideally, for any new ideas proposed, a start-up may be created, able to financially exploit the specific “automated service”. Then, a methodology to compare the ideas has been introduced, based on four key parameters: distribution, profitability, independence and development. The best applications reach a wide public, have a high profitability, are independent from hardware and need limited coding time. An important goal of this brainstorm is to arouse the reader’s curiosity, leading him/her to find and solve existing problems, thanks to the AI powerful tools today available. On a daily basis, new start-ups create AI apps that run on our smartphones Worldwide. The proposed brainstorm, on commercial AI applications, may help today’s CEO, selecting the next commercial digital products.
Not only in the business world but brainstorming is also often applied in the world of education, such as teachers teach in class. A teacher asks one of the students to share his opinion about the material being studied. Students have the right to convey what is on their minds and convey ideas or ideas captured while studying the material being studied together. And there are many more examples of applying brainstorming in everyday life.
Maybe it’s enough to get here, the discussion about brainstorming, please read other interesting articles on the following site:,,,, and
By: Feri Avriyanti