Indonesia has now entered the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and is supported by the proliferating of digital development. In the age of the industrial revolution 4.0, which is sophisticated, there are renewable technologies that can help and lighten human work. This is surely because the more advanced an era is. Among the rapid development technologies, the technologies being developed also vary, ranging from the internet of things (IoT) to Artificial Intelligence (AI) or what we usually know as artificial intelligence. In this session, we will be discussed a lot of artificial intelligence or AI. AI is a technology that is currently being developed and researched the most. In 2022, as many as thousands of articles discussing AI technology have been published (based on Google Scholar calculations). That’s why AI is one of the articles currently hyped and will not be erased in time.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a renewable technology currently popular. It has been widely spread and applied in various fields. Lately, AI has been applied in daily life, or it can even be said that AI technology is currently and will continue to influence various human lives. AI is a simulation of human intelligence that is modeled on machines and programmed in such a way that they can think like humans. AI technology can make decisions by analyzing and using the data available in the system. AI is capable of learning, reasoning, and self-correction. The process is like humans, which they analyze before making decisions. Merely, AI is a system that exists on a computer that can imitate the human way of thinking in completing a job. At this time, almost all computer devices or modern technology have implemented artificial intelligence. One of them is what has been implemented in the use of smartphones that we use every day, AI is implemented through Google’s virtual assistant or Siri.
AI is divided into two categories, namely Strong AI and Weak AI. The Weak AI category is designed to perform only specific tasks, such as answering questions based on user input. While the Strong AI category is designed with a system, and it has cognitive abilities like humans in general, the system will provide the best solution without a human role. The roles AI can perform include control, planning, handwriting recognition, faces, and voice. Broadly, an AI can do one of the following four factors: a system that can act like a human, a system that can think like a human, a system that can rationally think, and a system capable of acting rationally.
The existence of AI provides many advantages for humans. Artificial intelligence or AI will help work, so humans can focus more on doing other things. As for some of the important roles of AI in everyday life, some of them are:
Virtual Reality (VR)
VR technology allows humans to interact with computer-generated imaginary objects in real terms.
Virtual Assistant
Virtual Assistant is a technology that can help humans to find the information they want to search for using the voice feature. Some examples are Siri, Google Now, and Cortana, which are currently widely available on smartphones.
Search Engine
Search Engine is a web-based technology that is used to search for information on the World Wide Web (WWW). Searching for information through search engines can be obtained by adjusting the keywords entered by the user.
Smart Car Technology
Smart cars that use AI technology are usually equipped with a chip that can make a car capable of running multiple sensors. One of them is a car capable of autopilot. The system can make the vehicle drive automatically.
AI is widely used in everyday life because AI technology has many perceived benefits for AI users. Some of the perceived benefits or advantages of AI include the ability to optimize work; minimize errors; increase productivity; automate repetitive tasks; improve human life; and support the learning process. However, AI is also just a human creation system which of course has weaknesses too, some of the weaknesses of AI include high costs, reduced employment, lack of creativity, lack of emotion, etc.
The application of AI has influenced the way people live, interact, and enhance human experience and convenience. AI itself will continue to develop along with the times. With each development, AI will get better and better with many improvements, developments, and implementations. Artificial intelligence does not always have a negative connotation that will replace the human role. Even though there are some jobs that could be replaced by AI, AI also brings new jobs or professions such as data scientists for example. Therefore, as users, we still have to improve our quality so as not to be eroded by the times.
By: Garnis Ajeng Pamiela
- Apa Itu Teknologi Artificial Intelligence? – Semua Halaman – Info Komputer (
- Pengertian Artificial Intelligence dan Contoh Penerapannya (
- Mengenal Teknologi Artificial Intelligence (AI) Beserta Contohnya (
- Artificial Intelligence, Pengertian, Contoh, dan Manfaatnya (
- Apa Itu Kecerdasan Buatan? Berikut Pengertian dan Contohnya – Dicoding Blog
- 6 Manfaat Artificial Intelligence dalam Kehidupan Manusia | goKampus
- Kelebihan dan Kelemahan dari Artificial Intelligence – Harian Haluan – Halaman 2
- AI – Google Scholar