Opportunity for PhD Studies: Indonesia-Austria Scholarship Programme (IASP) 2025

IASP is a doctoral education scholarship at universities in Austria and is intended for permanent lecturers at universities under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.

Scholarship Timeline:

Activity ScheduleImplementation
RegistrationOctober 2024 – March 2025
AdministrationApril 2025
InterviewMay 2025
AcceptJune – July 2025

IASP Requirements:

  1. Status as a permanent lecturer at a university under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology;
  2. Having a National Lecturer Identification Number (NIDN) or a Unique Educator and Education Personnel Number (NUPTK);
  3. Having a letter of permission from the head of the originating higher education institution (for state university lecturers) and/or from the Head of the Higher Education Service Institute (LLDikti) of their respective regions (for private university lecturers);
  4. Not yet hold a doctoral degree and are not currently pursuing a doctoral program (on-going);
  5. Having an English proficiency certificate with the minimum score requirements, namely: TOEFL iBT® 90; or TOEFL ITP® 550; or IELTS™ 6.5, which is still valid (maximum of the last two years);
  6. Having a research proposal of 5-10 pages (title, content, methodology, and timetable) that has been approved by a prospective supervisor at an Austrian university;
  7. Maximum age 35 years (as of December 31 of the registration year);
  8. Having a CV in English;
  9. Having two (2) academic recommendation letters in English (for example: from a master’s supervisor or direct superior);
  10. Having a valid passport (minimum 1 year);
  11. Having a valid and unconditional Letter of Acceptance (LoA) from the destination university or from a prospective supervisor at the destination university;
  12. Having a master’s degree diploma and academic transcript (in English) as originally issued;
  13. Physically and mentally healthy, proven with a doctor’s certificate from a government hospital; and
  14. Applicants who are spouses and have the same field of study are not allowed to apply to the same university and/or be supervised by the same supervisor.

Duration of the Scholarship:

The duration of the IASP scholarship is 3 (three) years to pursue a doctoral program (PhD) at a university in Austria.

Scholarship coverage:

1. Education Costs:
    • Dana SPP
    2. Supporting Costs:
    • International transportation fund,
    • Mobility fund,
    • Health insurance fund,
    • Monthly living expenses,
    • Family allowance fund (starting from the 3rd semester).

    Field of Study/Research:

    1. Ciencias Naturales.
    2. Ciencias Técnicas.
    3. Medicina Humana, Ciencias de la Salud.
    4. Ciencias Agrarias.
    5. Ciencias Sociales.
    6. Humanidades.
    7. Artes.

    Registration mechanism:

    1. Apply online through the website https://beasiswadosen.kemdikbud.go.id.
    2. Completing and uploading the required documents on the registration page.
    3. Submitting the registration to obtain the registration code.

    More information:

    Visit the official website of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia.